- GOOD DESIGN SERVES THE PURPOSE OF YOUR PAGE. The first thing you need to work out is what do you want to do with your page. Is it to share information - Is it to show your product - Is it to amuse - whatever it is, the design must reflect the page, rather than dictate the content. If you haven't got a vision for the page you can't expect any amount of design gimmicks to make up for it. So work this out first!
- KEEP IT SIMPLE! You can always recognise a novice's page because it uses all the bells and whistles! It was once said that "...a gentleman is a man who knows how to play the accordion, and doesn't!" So it is with webpage design. Just because you can use counters, scrollers, Actve X features, messages on the status bar and java, doesn't mean you have to. All these things are best used if there is a reason which serves the purpose of the page, rather than just to show off!
- DON'T EXCLUDE ANYBODY. Apart from the fact this is bad manners you may also miss important hits. Not every browser in the world uses frames. Make sure you offer a non-frames alternative. Likewise not every browser supports Java or Active X. There are still a lot of people surfing on low resolution screens. So I always write pages within a table no more than 600 pixels wide. That way everybody gets to see the same thing!
- DON'T TRY TO GET IT ALL ON ONE PAGE. You'll be surprised how many people do. There is no need. The shortest and most compact files, and the ones which are quickest to load are html page files. If you have a subject which involves 20 pictures and 2000 words, spliting it over 4 or 5 pages does two things. It radically cuts down the time a page is ready to read. It increases the scope for interaction between reader and page.